
Friday, October 31, 2014

ALDI Food Stores Come to Long Island

Aldi food stores now has 6 locations on Long Island, New York.  Aldi is a different kind of supermarket.  90% of what they sell is their own generic brand.  But it your a bargain shopper who wants more than the dollar store groceries, this is the place for you. 

Milk everyday low price $1.99 a gallon.  Milk is milk, its all the same no mater who's name goes on the label.  How many of us but Pathmark or Stop and Shop brand milk for $3.99.  This is half price every day.

www.aldi.usThey sell a little of everything, from Dairy , Meats, Grocery and Frozen Foods.  If you buy store brand in other supermarkets, you will probably find it here cheaper!

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